We, the experts’ team at PES, design, fabricate, test and commission of Radial Crest Gates, Stoplogs and Vertical Wheel Gates based on the clients’ needs and requirements. We are committed to provide supreme quality products at cheaper rates.
Radial Gates
A radial gate consists of a curved gate leaf supported by radial arms which transfer hydraulic forces to two fixed bearings. The gate rotates about a horizontal axis which passes through the bearing centre and usually coincides with the centre of the gate leaf plate curvature radius
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Stoplogs are similar to slide gates which have flat gate leaf. They do not usually have wheels or rollers. Depending on the height to be sealed a stoplog may comprise of more than one element. These are called stoplog panels. Stoplogs are primarily used for maintenance and repair of main equipment or gates. They can be used upstream of intake gates, spillway gates, downstream of turbines or draft tubes or upstream and downstream of bottom outlets when the downstream water level is higher than the gate sill.
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Vertical Lift Gates
Fixed wheel & the slide gates are two type of vertical lift gates mainly used to provide a vertical water barrier in waterworks. Fixed wheel or roller gates are designed to control flow through large waterway openings where economy and ease of operation are important. They may be designed as either upward or downward (skimmer) opening type gates.
A fixed wheel or roller gate consists of a fabricated steel slide with cast iron/forged steel rollers and rubber seals. The gate leaf is a box-like design of welded construction. It varies in width and height as required by the size of the opening in the concrete dam and varies in thickness depending on the water head. Recesses at the sides of the gate opening are provided with guides and with contact faces for side seals.
Slide gates are the simplest form of flat gates. They basically consist of a flat structurally reinforced gate leaf that slides along side-guides embedded in concrete. The leaf is provided with sliding surfaces, usually metallic which under tight contact at the load bearing surfaces act as seals.
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Landmarks Design:
Caisson Gates
A caisson is a form of lock gate. It consists of a large floating iron or steel box. This can be flooded to seat the caisson in the opening of the dock to close it, or pumped dry to float it and allow it to be towed clear of the dock.
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